Stay Focused

Stay Focused

Hi, Matt Padgett with Keystone Mortgage. We are wrapping up the third quarter of 2020 – going into the fourth quarter. I just want to say, stay focused. Stay focused on your work, on your family, on your hobbies, on the things you really love doing. We have so many things out there – whether is be a pandemic or other things that are taking our focus away. Stay focused on what you love. Stay focused on what makes you happy. If we can help you in any way, give us a call 865-909-0211.

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Knoxville TN Office
1508 Coleman Road
Knoxville, Tennessee 37909
Sarasota FL Office
1400 Peregrine Point Drive
Sarasota FL 34231
Phone: 865-909-0211
Fax: 865-909-0178
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