I’m Matt Padget with Keystone Mortgage. You know what’s so, I guess, funny about this time is most of us aren’t going out – we don’t have a lot to do. However, we’re finding it really hard to get stuff done at home. Let’s go back to kind of the playbook. The basics. In order for things to be done, we just have to put them on the calendar. Whether you’re teaching the kids at home, Whether you’re doing the laundry. You have calls or work to do. Just put it on the calendar and consistently do it at the same time. Still the best way to get something done is to just put it on your calendar. Write those tasks out in the morning that you’re going to do for the day and then take the most important ones, put them on the calendar, follow it up with the other ones on the list and you’ll get a lot more done. If we can help in any way, give us a call: 865.909.0211.
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